
SJD-50TC直流接觸器(陶瓷直流接觸器)主要用于電動汽車 / 直流充電樁 作切換電流作用;

型號 :【直流接觸器】SJD-50TC
品牌 : 【蘇繼電氣】

產品型號及含義 Ordering Code

This relay typical application:
◆主要用于電動汽車 / 直流充電樁 作切換電流作用;
Mainly used for electric vehicle /DCcharging pilefor switching current.
Remarks: Customers need other rated voltage canbe customized.
Small and lightweight:Internally adopt reliable sealing technology and filled with hydrogen which arc colling ability is high. It can cut off high voltage DC in a short time.
High contact reliability:Due to the contact sealed in the hydrogen therefore it will be not oxidized also achieving the contact of the dustproof and waterproof.
Safety and reliable:Use the professional explosion-proof structure designto achieve a high degree of securityadopt magnetic quenching helps to cut-off the DC load quickly.
Application:DC charging pile electric vehicles hybrid vehicles battery charging and discharging systemPhotovoltaic power generation system such as dc high voltage application.

線圈參數 Coil Data
驅動參數 Driving parameters
額定線圈電壓Nominal coil voltag 吸合電壓 Opreat voltage 釋放電壓 Release voltage 線圈功耗 Coil power consumption
12VDC ≤9VDC ≥1VDC 3.0W
24VDC ≤18VDC ≥2VDC
觸點參數 Contact Data
觸點負載 (FLA)Contact load 50A/750VDC
觸點形式 Contact form 1H
接觸壓降 Voltage drop across contacts  25mV Max @50A
極限通電電流 Limited of curren 200A 10 秒
最大切換電流 Max switching curren 500A,750VDC(1 次)
最大切換電壓 Max switching voltage 900VDC
最大轉換功率 Max switching power 375KW
電氣耐久性Electric endurance 50A/450VDC-75000 次(阻性負載 Resistive load)
50A/750VDC-20000 次(阻性負載 Resistive load)
機械壽命 Mechanical enduranc 2×105
性能參數 Performance Parameters
絕緣電阻 Insulation resistance 1000MΩ(1000VDC)
dielectric strength
Coil to contact
4000VAC 1 min
Across open contact
3000VAC 1 min
閉合時間 Operate time ≤ 30ms
斷開時間 Release time ≤ 10ms
沖擊穩定性 Shock resistance functional 196m/s2(20G以上)20G above
沖擊強度 Shock resistance destructive 490m/s2(50G以上)50G above
環境溫度 Ambient Temperature -40 ~ 85℃
濕度 Humidity 5 ~ 85%RH
抗振 Virbration resistance 10-200HZ,49m/s 2
引出端方式 Terminal M4 內螺紋 Internal thread
單位重量 Unit weight 160g
封裝形式 Package 陶瓷封裝 Ceramics encapsulation

